Cilantro 一 A Tale of Mutants, DNA, and Flavor Revolution

Science has spoken. The truth is out. Cilantro lovers are the real mutants, and we’re here for it.

Empirical Cilantro dives deep into the essence of cilantro, exploring both its bold flavor and the divide it creates. Whether you love it or hate it, this spirit is our tribute to the complexities of taste and the genetic twist that makes cilantro so uniquely polarizing.

Back in the day, we all hated cilantro

Let’s rewind a few thousand years. Picture our distant ancestors foraging in the wilderness, using their senses to survive. Back then, we weren’t scrolling through Instagram deciding what to eat; we were using everything we had — especially our senses — to avoid danger. One of those dangers? A class of compounds known as aldehydes. They show up in certain poisonous plants, alerting us that “this is bad news.” And guess what? Cilantro carries aldehydes too.

A genetic defense mechanism

In fact, for most of human history, we all carried the genetic blueprint that made cilantro taste like pure, unfiltered dish soap. It’s thought that this was a survival mechanism — our DNA evolved to associate the aldehydes in cilantro with something harmful, potentially deadly. That sharp, soapy taste was our body’s way of saying, “Do not eat!”

And then… something changed

Somewhere along the way, a mutation crept in. Slowly, a percentage of the population began to lose the DNA responsible for the cilantro-aversion gene. Scientists pinpoint this mutation to a specific gene known as OR6A2, which affects how we perceive the aldehydes in cilantro. In those who kept the gene intact, cilantro remained in the “nope” zone, triggering the familiar soapy disgust. But for the rest, cilantro transformed into something herbal, fresh, and citrusy.

Fast forward to today - the cilantro divide

Welcome to the modern era, where the battle between cilantro lovers and cilantro haters plays out, especially on social media.

Studies show that around 20-30% of people still carry the cilantro-hating gene, while the rest have evolved into full-fledged cilantro mutants.

Cilantro lovers claim they’re human too, and we stand by that. We celebrate those who relish its herbaceous goodness. And for those who still taste soap — hey, we get it, and we love you too. Keeping it real.

  • Uncategorized spirits.

    At Empirical Spirits, we live for these flavor explorations. The DNA that shaped how humans experience cilantro has become part of the spirit of Empirical Cilantro. We’ve harnessed that bold, unmistakable flavor to create something that stands for more than just cilantro itself. It stands for embracing differences, for welcoming the mutant in us all.

  • Mutants welcome.

    So, whether you love it or hate it, cilantro is a reminder that taste is personal, that flavor knows no boundaries, and that DNA is as complex and beautiful as the ingredients we work with.

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